2022 Restoration Projects


Section C along the ridge

2022 is the final year of a project to repair all the gravestones in areas contiguous to the Susan B. Anthony gravesite. The last section, an area along the ridge of the hill above the Old Chapel, will complete this project. Funds for this restoration come from the Baum Family Foundation and the FOMH.

Section T 

All the gravestones will be repaired in Section T . This project is financed by ta grant from the Lloyd Klos Historical Fund of the Rochester Area Community Foundation matched by funds from the FOMH.

Section S 

This area, across from Sylvan Waters, is the location of a large B’rith Kodesh plot. It also includes an area for general burials which extends west to Mount Hope Avenue. Seven cradle graves are included in this section. Funding for this section is from FOMH funds plus a generous donation of $5000 for historic restoration from Colleen Crowley and Jack Martin of Palm Springs, CA.

Range 3/1

This area is the first of a multiyear project to repair all the Jewish sections of Mount Hope. It is located on Grove Avenue on the corner of Greenleaf Avenue. This area is the location of many cradle graves which have already been repaired. The centerpiece of this area is the gravesite of Lillian Wald.

Rau Mausoleum area

Many gravestones in this area are loose or have fallen over. We need to stabilize this area because it provides a background for several artistic events that are being planned.

Landscape Volunteers

    Our many landscape volunteers, led by Tom Jones, Chris Petote, David Krotz, Susan Andersen, and Tony Filer, work in collaboration with the City of Rochester to work on projects which are suggested in the City’s Master Plan. Every week during all seasons our teams are hard at work. The City’s 2nd Saturday Program of volunteers is operated by the FOMH.

    Removing invasive species is one of the projects of the Friends. We clean out cradle graves, rake, and respond to any needs specified by the cemetery manager. We are fortunate to have an enthusiastic group of volunteers, and new volunteers are always welcome.

    Save a Stone Project

      Often members or citizens volunteer to pay to have our experts professionally repair or clean a gravestone. We welcome their enthusiasm and generosity. Communicate with us via “Contact us” for further information about this opportunity.

      Cleaning Stones

        Our stone cleaning committee works twice a month cleaning gravestones using a solution called Wet and Forget.  We have used this process for several years, and it has proved effective in removing biological residue from stones. We meet on the Sundays below depending on the weather. We notify volunteers by 6 PM the night before each session where we will meet.

        • May 15th & 29th
        • June 12th & 26th
        • July 10th & 24th
        • August 7th & 21st
        • September 4th & 18th
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