Memorial Day – 2021


Memorial Day – 2021 featured a ceremony conducted by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War. It was held at the site of our “Defenders of the Flag” monument in the Civil War section.  This iconic statue is the work of Sally James Farnham, a nationally famous sculptress who worked with Frederick Remington in his NYC studio. We all enjoyed the patriotic speeches, the pageantry, wreath presentations and live music. Thank you to this dedicated group. 

Ed O’Brien, the local commander of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War Abraham Lincoln Camp #6, has been instrumental in assisting the FOMH with fundraising to clean and wax this sculpture, and we are happy to announce that we have achieved our goal. We received funds from SUVCW A. Lincoln #6, the SUVCW Charitable Foundation, The William G. Pomeroy Foundation, and the Friends of Mount Hope. 

Mount Hope Cemetery Rochester NY Memorial Day Ceremony
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