Restoration work in the Civil War Section, October, 2021


Our Civil War section, the burial place of 502 Civil War veterans, is a hallowed area of Mount Hope Cemetery. We at the Friends of Mount Hope are proud to restore this area with the partnership and support of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln Camp 6 Rochester NY led by Ed O’Brien and funds from the Friends of Mount Hope.

Restoration work in the Civil War Section, October, 2021

Thirty-one stones and eleven bases in this section have been repaired and the 2 Union cannons repaired and painted. 502 stones are being cleaned, and in the spring the iconic Defender of the Flag sculpture by Sally James Farnham will be cleaned and waxed, with funds raised by the SUVCW and a grant from the Pomeroy Foundation.

It is an honor to repair this area and pay tribute to the many Civil War veterans buried in Mount Hope Cemetery.

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