Holocaust Monument Fund Raiser Off and Running!


The FOMH Holocaust Committee has reached out to the community to fund  a Holocaust Monument to commemorate people buried in Mount Hope Cemetery who were victims of the Holocaust. The Memorial will be erected in Range 7 on Adlington Drive in a B’rith Kodesh section. The work, made of black granite, will be unveiled in June. Already we have reached 25% of our goal!

The FOMH Holocaust Committee has reached out to the community to fund a Holocaust Monument.

The Committee continues to search out new Holocaust stories. Recently, Marcia Birken, one of our committee chairs, and Patricia Corcoran, FOMH President, visited the Summit and Wolk Manor at the Jewish Home in search of stories and more information about Holocaust survivors. If any of our readers know local people who were Holocaust survivors or have heard Holocaust stories from relatives, friends, or neighbors, please share with Marcia Birken at 

[email protected] or Marjorie Searl, at [email protected].

Donations for the monument are welcomed from the whole community. Make your check payable to the Friends of Mount Hope Cemetery and note in the memo field that the donation is for the Holocaust Monument. Please send your check to the Friends of Mount Hope Cemetery, PO Box 18713, Rochester, NY 14618-0713. You can also make your donation on our website – select Holocaust Monument as your donation designation.

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